
My first Vizsla passed away at age 6 from lymphoma. Her name was Crash - a very unlady like name for quite a lady. She was such a special part of my life. Crash was there to lick my tears away when my dad died, She was there when I started dating a new man and he became a fiancé. A Vizsla made of mascarpone sat on top of my wedding cake. She was the first one at the door to welcome first my daughter and then my son home from the hospital. She was diagnosed the same month I found out as I was pregnant with my son. As anyone who has experienced the loss of a dog knows, the pain you experience gives you pause before you are ready to open up your heart again but there was a hole.

I was searching the adoption sites for Vizsla’s when I encountered the rescue group out of the Boston area run by Nancy Tarbox. Off went my application. I was in love with the dog posted on the site but she had already been adopted. A second dog almost came into our lives but it did not work out. Third time was the charm and Coco entered our lives. Nancy Tarbox who seems to never stop working asked if we were interested in a 9 month old puppy displaced by Hurricane Sandy. My response was one word: YES!. She sent my information onto the Vizsla rescue coordinator who was placing the puppies.

Coco has a guardian angel and she lives on Long Island. She doesn’t have wings or a halo…well as least we didn’t see it when we met her but who knows for sure. Stephanie Fischer is Coco’s Guardian Angel. She is part mother, part Yiddish Grandmother, part psychiatrist and part Vizsla rights activist who tirelessly works for our Vizsla’s. She was with us all through the process and checks in to make sure all is well. We know she is there for us if we need anything… that’s what Guardian Angels do.

I believe what is meant to be will be. We weren’t meant to have any other dog but Coco. Two weeks ago she came to our home with her tail tucked under, timid and not playful. She is now running our household – are any of you surprised? She has made my moody kids laugh and think of someone other than themselves J My grumpy husband is smiling and talks about Coco as if he birthed herJ She has brought laughter and pure love into our homeJ I am the happiest of all of us. Not for what she has done for me but for what she has done for our family. Our lives here have changed and we will be forever grateful to all those that helped Coco along the way to find us. Thank you.



