Sweet Annie

Two years ago my husband and I started looking for a Vizsla, our current rescue Henry was starting to show signs that things were declining at 10. We hoped we would have a few more years, but we knew we had to find a companion for our other pup H2 ( rescued as a V mix ). Our Vizsla story starts in the 80’s when we picked up a stray at the pound and had some college student selling encyclopedias tell us that he was a Vizsla. His parents Al and Teri Lucas breeds them. When Gonzo died unexpectedly, we reached out and as luck would have it they had a litter and would love to have our kids come anytime and help socialize the new pups. That began our Vizsla love affair.

Eleven Vizsla’s later, 5 of them rescues (some with lots of craziness) we thought we would be ready for a puppy again. As I started looking for litters I found some rescues and applied for young pups from Dallas to New York. Then late one night I saw an urgent post from Stephanie with Long Island vizsla rescue. I immediately applied hoping to be lucky enough to get a pup or younger dog. I hadn’t told my husband that I applied. A couple of weeks went by and I thought they found homes for all the dogs. My husband then got the call from Stephanie saying we don’t have anymore younger dogs but would I consider a female probably around 6 ( vet said around 4)The shelter that had her said she was so sweet and she wanted to place her with other Vizslas. She sent me pictures and it was love at first sight. As we arranged transportation, she was flown into a small airport 3 hrs away. She was so shy getting off the plane we put her in the car and she laid down, rode the 3 hours home and didn’t make a peep. We brought her in and introduced her to her brothers Henry and H2 . She was so shy and timid, I didn’t want to crate her because I knew she had been crated her whole life. She slept with us in the bed. I was worried she might go in the house, so I kinda slept with one eye open. We had a doggie door but I stayed with her in the yard for a few days to make sure she was comfortable. We have about one and a half acres fenced. 

Fast forward today our Sweet (crazy) Annie is such a joy, we can’t imagine life without her. She has discovered what it is to be a Vizsla,pointing birds, stealing socks and toilet paper rolls. Oh, the joy of being under the covers, sweet belly rubs and snack time (spoiled by my retired husband).

I know this is a long post but as I sit here with Sweet Annie under the covers, we are forever grateful to Stephanie and her dedication to finding the best furever homes. I can’t imagine how hard it is to go through applications and match these beautiful pups. Stephanie seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to Vizsla matching 💕💕 Enjoy the pictures from our journey. 

Gale & Chris



